There were 4 of us selected for the mission. The others told us it was suicide, and they were right. It was me, Reaver, Tech, and Boomer. Each of us top in our class, if you could call them classes. On arrival to this school we were told to pick a name. Most kids picked something cool that didn't fit them at all, I picked something I was already going to be called. "Hey Kid, Reaver says to get you up and ready. It's time to meet The Boss.." Boomer shook me awake, pulling me out of a quite pleasant dream.
"Dammit Boomer! Now?" I ask, disappointment clear in my voice
"Yeah, now get out of bed and down to the control room. And don't mention where you're going to anyone. Reaver says we get booted if we blab." Boomer warned. Nobody turned down a mission around here. This place was like a prison during the school year, and an asylum during winter. They took us from our regular schools, brought us to this place, gave everyone a shot, and took away our names. The shots were supposed to enhance our performance "in the field", as we were told. We didn't know what they meant then, but we soon found out. Shit, forgot my gun, better go back and get it. Anyway, we found out that our names gave us certain.... Abilities. And that the shots were supposed to give us more. My name keeps me in my early 20's, when in reality, I've been here for 45 years.
"Kid! Pay attention to where you're going!" Reaver, here is a guy that you really don't want to fuck with. 7 feet tall, almost skeletal, and some say that he's died around a hundred times. But that doesn't stop me from messing with him.
"Sorry Skeleman, wouldn't want you to fall apart."
"Fuck off Kid, where do you think you're going anyway? Control room is the other way." Ah shit.
"Just headed down to the caffeteria to get some breakfast Reaver." I'll bet I did it again...
"Breakfast? You know what time it is boy? You slept all day, it's six at night!" I knew it! Ever since my third shot I've been sleeping a lot longer than usual. It's my fault though. For every mission you complete you get another shot. I've been here 45 years, and this is my third mission.
"Right.... Well then I guess I'm going to the control room. Later bonehead." Best get out of here before he realizes I just insulted him. It's a quick walk to the control room. But my mental log is almost full for today. If you're reading this Gold, I had better be dead motherfucker.
Kid out.
I'm not to happy with how this turned out. Oh well. Part 2 sometime later, when I feel like it.
-The Virus
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