My well of inspiration has run dry at the moment. I am not going to post a part 2 to Kid's story, let's just say he's dead and call it a day. I'm working on a story. Kind of like Chasing Amy for those of you who have seen it. Though my inspiration is drawn from (almost entirely) true events. This will be my first attempt at writing a comedic-love story. Set in high school. With a lesbian (you would think that wouldn't you? You sick bastards...). This story will not make it onto this blog, as I'm afraid it will be too long. I am looking for ideas to help me with this story. And I have a, kind of, tip for writers. I like to look at the post secret site, and try to find the darkest ones and combine them into my characters personalities. I think this story is in it's own way, going to be my best. My mother always said that in high school my best friend was going to be a lesbian, not quite sure this is what she meant though. Thank you for reading, and have a nice day Drones.
-The Virus
About Me

- Virus
- I am but a conduit for the verbal and musical expressions that the universe chooses to channel through my mind and soul.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Kid's Mission (Log Jul.29 2020)
There were 4 of us selected for the mission. The others told us it was suicide, and they were right. It was me, Reaver, Tech, and Boomer. Each of us top in our class, if you could call them classes. On arrival to this school we were told to pick a name. Most kids picked something cool that didn't fit them at all, I picked something I was already going to be called. "Hey Kid, Reaver says to get you up and ready. It's time to meet The Boss.." Boomer shook me awake, pulling me out of a quite pleasant dream.
"Dammit Boomer! Now?" I ask, disappointment clear in my voice
"Yeah, now get out of bed and down to the control room. And don't mention where you're going to anyone. Reaver says we get booted if we blab." Boomer warned. Nobody turned down a mission around here. This place was like a prison during the school year, and an asylum during winter. They took us from our regular schools, brought us to this place, gave everyone a shot, and took away our names. The shots were supposed to enhance our performance "in the field", as we were told. We didn't know what they meant then, but we soon found out. Shit, forgot my gun, better go back and get it. Anyway, we found out that our names gave us certain.... Abilities. And that the shots were supposed to give us more. My name keeps me in my early 20's, when in reality, I've been here for 45 years.
"Kid! Pay attention to where you're going!" Reaver, here is a guy that you really don't want to fuck with. 7 feet tall, almost skeletal, and some say that he's died around a hundred times. But that doesn't stop me from messing with him.
"Sorry Skeleman, wouldn't want you to fall apart."
"Fuck off Kid, where do you think you're going anyway? Control room is the other way." Ah shit.
"Just headed down to the caffeteria to get some breakfast Reaver." I'll bet I did it again...
"Breakfast? You know what time it is boy? You slept all day, it's six at night!" I knew it! Ever since my third shot I've been sleeping a lot longer than usual. It's my fault though. For every mission you complete you get another shot. I've been here 45 years, and this is my third mission.
"Right.... Well then I guess I'm going to the control room. Later bonehead." Best get out of here before he realizes I just insulted him. It's a quick walk to the control room. But my mental log is almost full for today. If you're reading this Gold, I had better be dead motherfucker.
Kid out.
I'm not to happy with how this turned out. Oh well. Part 2 sometime later, when I feel like it.
-The Virus
"Dammit Boomer! Now?" I ask, disappointment clear in my voice
"Yeah, now get out of bed and down to the control room. And don't mention where you're going to anyone. Reaver says we get booted if we blab." Boomer warned. Nobody turned down a mission around here. This place was like a prison during the school year, and an asylum during winter. They took us from our regular schools, brought us to this place, gave everyone a shot, and took away our names. The shots were supposed to enhance our performance "in the field", as we were told. We didn't know what they meant then, but we soon found out. Shit, forgot my gun, better go back and get it. Anyway, we found out that our names gave us certain.... Abilities. And that the shots were supposed to give us more. My name keeps me in my early 20's, when in reality, I've been here for 45 years.
"Kid! Pay attention to where you're going!" Reaver, here is a guy that you really don't want to fuck with. 7 feet tall, almost skeletal, and some say that he's died around a hundred times. But that doesn't stop me from messing with him.
"Sorry Skeleman, wouldn't want you to fall apart."
"Fuck off Kid, where do you think you're going anyway? Control room is the other way." Ah shit.
"Just headed down to the caffeteria to get some breakfast Reaver." I'll bet I did it again...
"Breakfast? You know what time it is boy? You slept all day, it's six at night!" I knew it! Ever since my third shot I've been sleeping a lot longer than usual. It's my fault though. For every mission you complete you get another shot. I've been here 45 years, and this is my third mission.
"Right.... Well then I guess I'm going to the control room. Later bonehead." Best get out of here before he realizes I just insulted him. It's a quick walk to the control room. But my mental log is almost full for today. If you're reading this Gold, I had better be dead motherfucker.
Kid out.
I'm not to happy with how this turned out. Oh well. Part 2 sometime later, when I feel like it.
-The Virus
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The Visitor
I'm not posting a story today, but I do encourage you to send me your ideas for what direction you would take Aslin in. You will get credit for your idea if I use it, as well as any character you come up with in the story. That's all Drones.
-The Virus
-The Virus
Monday, July 19, 2010
Aslin: The Killer (Darkbringer Chronicles)
I'm gonna try something new. Taking Aslin down several different paths in the same time frame. For example, in this one he embraces his now demonic blood and decides to wage an all out war against the human race and The Darkbringer. Starting his own race of demons and calling his army The Dogs. I hope to take Aslin into as many alternate realities as possible, to see just how deep I can go with my character. Hope you enjoy this first one.
-The Virus
I look at my latest creation in disgust. A horrible combination of Demon and Man. Much like myself when I first escaped from that hole. When forced to drink the blood of a monster such as myself, the human body reacts very.... Differently. Affecting the body, and before the victim knows whats happening, the mind as well. Left with only their primal instincts and obedience to their creator, these beasts are no better than dogs, and I tell them just that. That is what I shall call my army. The Dogs, created in my image, named after myself. I am their God, I am their ruler. They will obey me without question. I put the newest in the cage with the others, and move on to my interrogation. My scouts ran into a demon patrol in the forest near our caves. They killed all but one. His armor is that of a war party, and therefore he is Demonica Elite. The best of the Darkbringer's army. That was proof enough for me that my forces are far superior to both the Humans and Demons. It only took three to wipe out an entire Elite party. It should only take 5 to take out the Temple then. If I go along it will only take 2. This is a beautiful beginning to my new empire. We move out of these caves tomorrow night. Revenge shall be mine..
And there ya go. Let me know what you think and where I should take Aslin next. I think I'm going to be able to have some fun with this. I hope so. My rhyming has been off so I'm glad I still have this. I just need to find The Book again and I'll get all my rhymes back. Until then, I hope you enjoy whatever I post. Later Drones.
-The Virus
Sunday, July 18, 2010
I Wasn't Always This Way
I wasn't always like this. I wasn't always a killer, I wasn't always thief. I used to be a door-to-door salesman. I sold tooth-brushes. Not just any tooth-brushes though, these were the best. My own design, you could position the head any way you wanted. Then you turn it on, put toothpaste on it, and you were ready. But I'm assuming you know how to brush your teeth, so I don't need to tell you. Anyway, I was on a new street, I had hit every house but one. It was this big, Gothic looking, haunted house type mansion. Not one to be stopped by an iron gate, I pushed it open and walked up the path to the door. I wasn't scared when I saw the collection of headstones in the front yard, I wasn't scared when I saw the Gargoyles eyes light up red as I walked by. It was when I knocked on the door and was met with the most hideous looking man I had ever seen, then I was scared. Not the last time I would feel fear, that comes later. I quickly went through my introduction, just as I did a million times before, and the man smiled at me, shot me in the shoulder with a tranquilizer dart, and dragged my body inside. I awoke sometime around seven at night from what the Doctor told me. He introduced himself only as The Doctor, and instructed that I was to call him nothing else until the "surgery" was finished. He began with my left arm, chopping it off with a large axe at the elbow. The strangest part, was that I didn't feel it. He gave me no drugs, nothing to render me unconscious, just chopped it right off. There was no blood either. the two us should have been covered in the dark red liquid, but not a single drop fell from my new amputation.
"Amazing," I head the doctor say, "Simply amazing! Bernerd, the formula works!"
I didn't speak, I simply stared at what was left of my arm.
"And not a single fracture in the bone, amazing!" The Doctor continued.
'What the hell have you done to me!" I said at last.
"I have made you permanently immune to the human condition." He said, expecting me to understand what he meant.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"It means you will not bleed, your bones will not break, and extreme force is required to break your skin. Basically, you are invincible. Now we begin phase two." He explained with a triumphant smile on his face. I dind't know then what he had in mind for me, I wish I still didn't know.
I spent three years in that crazy Doctors lab, undergoing several experiments. Everytime I lost a limb, it was replaced by a biometal that he injected into my system to speed up my healing. I soon found that I could morph these limbs into anything I wanted using my control over the biometal in my system. I began to plot my escape. I destroyed hundreds of that Doctors machines in the process, until finally I got to him. The last thing standing between me and the good Doctor was the monster of a man Bernerd. The freak who I first met in this place.
"You not allowed to touch Mr.Doctor" Bernerd said.
"It speaks! And no more intelligently than the dog I had as a child." I comment as I drive a spear-like hand into his chest. He was probably the easiest thing to kill in the mansion. I walked towards the doctor, my "hands" covered in oil and blood.
"Come to kill me already? I would have though two more days maybe, but so soon?" The Doctor said with a smile.
"You knew you couldn't keep me in that cell. Not after giving me the biometal."
"Poor fool." The last thing I saw was the Doctor pointing a strange looking gun right in my face.
"And there goes another project. He was sure to survive this time." I hear him say.
"Poor fool" I mimic his voice as my body builds back up. I cannot see him, only hear. I need not go into detail about what happens next, but I'll let your imaginations take flight to come up with their own ending for the Doctor. I make my living as a proffessional killer now. But I wasn't always like this..
"Amazing," I head the doctor say, "Simply amazing! Bernerd, the formula works!"
I didn't speak, I simply stared at what was left of my arm.
"And not a single fracture in the bone, amazing!" The Doctor continued.
'What the hell have you done to me!" I said at last.
"I have made you permanently immune to the human condition." He said, expecting me to understand what he meant.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"It means you will not bleed, your bones will not break, and extreme force is required to break your skin. Basically, you are invincible. Now we begin phase two." He explained with a triumphant smile on his face. I dind't know then what he had in mind for me, I wish I still didn't know.
I spent three years in that crazy Doctors lab, undergoing several experiments. Everytime I lost a limb, it was replaced by a biometal that he injected into my system to speed up my healing. I soon found that I could morph these limbs into anything I wanted using my control over the biometal in my system. I began to plot my escape. I destroyed hundreds of that Doctors machines in the process, until finally I got to him. The last thing standing between me and the good Doctor was the monster of a man Bernerd. The freak who I first met in this place.
"You not allowed to touch Mr.Doctor" Bernerd said.
"It speaks! And no more intelligently than the dog I had as a child." I comment as I drive a spear-like hand into his chest. He was probably the easiest thing to kill in the mansion. I walked towards the doctor, my "hands" covered in oil and blood.
"Come to kill me already? I would have though two more days maybe, but so soon?" The Doctor said with a smile.
"You knew you couldn't keep me in that cell. Not after giving me the biometal."
"Poor fool." The last thing I saw was the Doctor pointing a strange looking gun right in my face.
"And there goes another project. He was sure to survive this time." I hear him say.
"Poor fool" I mimic his voice as my body builds back up. I cannot see him, only hear. I need not go into detail about what happens next, but I'll let your imaginations take flight to come up with their own ending for the Doctor. I make my living as a proffessional killer now. But I wasn't always like this..
Friday, July 16, 2010
"Yo New Guy!" I hear a voice call out. I don't respond at first, and it continues. I ignore them until I get a smack upside the head from John who points and says "They're talkin' to you Ralph." At least one of them knows my name.
"Whaddya want Rico?" I ask impatiently.
"For you to learn yer goddam name." He replies with a grin.
"HQ says you're on patrol tonight, figure they'll send out some fresh meat for the Reapers."
The Reapers are what we call the mutants that come out from the sewers at night. There was a petition going around a few years ago to send one of our Elite teams down there to exterminate them all, but the council blew it off saying that it would take too much time and money to organize.
"Fantastic. When's my shift start?" I asked as I walked towards my locker.
"Ya got 15 minutes New Guy, suit up and get out there. Bone will meet you at the gate." Rico answered with a smile. And why wouldn't he? Jackson Bone was possibly the dumbest guard in the city, hell, maybe even the union.
I walk towards the Titan locker. The Titan suit is the most important piece of equipment in a guards arsenal, well, besides his gun. As I finally put on the helmet, finishing the suit. I walk to my locker again to grab MY gun. I don't use the guns that the guard union issues us, I prefer to bring my own. Custom made using the parts from a standard issue RX Pheonix 8 flamethrower, combined it with the TF Kronos 1 assualt rifle, and the result I call The Smoker. Rounds are doused in lighter fluid in the barrel, then the flame at the end causes the rounds to (obviously) burst into flames.
"Yo Bone!" I call out when I get to the gate.... No answer.
"Hey! Bone-head! You out here?" No answer.
"Better not be fucking with me Bone!" Still nothing. I don't need him anyway. He'd just mess everything up. I activate the the gate control to open it up. I activate my CO2 converter. It works on synthetic photosynthesis. All the buildings have bulk converters, after the last of the rainforests died off, standard plants weren't too long to follow. The big companies created the converters to keep the human species alive, if they had know that most of us would mutate, and the rest of us would spend our lives hunting them, they wouldn't have done that.
As the gate opens up, I'm met with a flood of mutants. Firing blindly, I run towards the lift to try to get back to HQ. I barely make it. I can feel the mutants holding on to the cables that are keeping the lift suspended. The lift stops just short of the door. I open the emergency escape above my head, only to be met with the most hideous face I've ever seen. It seems that this lift is going to be where I make my final stand. I didn't spend 5 years on all those special special ops missions to be ripped apart in an old elevator shaft by freaks. I get The Smoker ready, wiring her backup cords into my suits helmet, checking the level of fluid in my tanks, ammunition, extra clips. Reminds me of the HUD of a first person shooter. I laugh at this small joke. That might be my last laugh. What would Rico say now... He's probably watching me shoot down all these things with my custom weapon thinking "Fuckin' New Guy"...
"Whaddya want Rico?" I ask impatiently.
"For you to learn yer goddam name." He replies with a grin.
"HQ says you're on patrol tonight, figure they'll send out some fresh meat for the Reapers."
The Reapers are what we call the mutants that come out from the sewers at night. There was a petition going around a few years ago to send one of our Elite teams down there to exterminate them all, but the council blew it off saying that it would take too much time and money to organize.
"Fantastic. When's my shift start?" I asked as I walked towards my locker.
"Ya got 15 minutes New Guy, suit up and get out there. Bone will meet you at the gate." Rico answered with a smile. And why wouldn't he? Jackson Bone was possibly the dumbest guard in the city, hell, maybe even the union.
I walk towards the Titan locker. The Titan suit is the most important piece of equipment in a guards arsenal, well, besides his gun. As I finally put on the helmet, finishing the suit. I walk to my locker again to grab MY gun. I don't use the guns that the guard union issues us, I prefer to bring my own. Custom made using the parts from a standard issue RX Pheonix 8 flamethrower, combined it with the TF Kronos 1 assualt rifle, and the result I call The Smoker. Rounds are doused in lighter fluid in the barrel, then the flame at the end causes the rounds to (obviously) burst into flames.
"Yo Bone!" I call out when I get to the gate.... No answer.
"Hey! Bone-head! You out here?" No answer.
"Better not be fucking with me Bone!" Still nothing. I don't need him anyway. He'd just mess everything up. I activate the the gate control to open it up. I activate my CO2 converter. It works on synthetic photosynthesis. All the buildings have bulk converters, after the last of the rainforests died off, standard plants weren't too long to follow. The big companies created the converters to keep the human species alive, if they had know that most of us would mutate, and the rest of us would spend our lives hunting them, they wouldn't have done that.
As the gate opens up, I'm met with a flood of mutants. Firing blindly, I run towards the lift to try to get back to HQ. I barely make it. I can feel the mutants holding on to the cables that are keeping the lift suspended. The lift stops just short of the door. I open the emergency escape above my head, only to be met with the most hideous face I've ever seen. It seems that this lift is going to be where I make my final stand. I didn't spend 5 years on all those special special ops missions to be ripped apart in an old elevator shaft by freaks. I get The Smoker ready, wiring her backup cords into my suits helmet, checking the level of fluid in my tanks, ammunition, extra clips. Reminds me of the HUD of a first person shooter. I laugh at this small joke. That might be my last laugh. What would Rico say now... He's probably watching me shoot down all these things with my custom weapon thinking "Fuckin' New Guy"...
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I'm Back
72 hours ago, I died. 24 hours ago, I came back. 2 hours ago I killed my cheating wife, drained her of blood, then went to her boyfriend's house. I know why she had him kill me. For my money, for all the money I had saved up for our children. Sure I kept it hidden from her, because I knew she'd want it. She found my will, and she found where I had been keeping the money from her. The cheating bitch had to kill me, my parents, and my sister just to get to it. I found out she planned to put the kids up for adoption while stalking her after my return. She cheats on me, has me killed, steals money meant for OUR kids, and then tries to put them up for adoption. She had to pay. And she did, with every drop of blood in her body. Her boyfriend is next. Illegal arms dealer on the streets, selling guns to innocent children and teens, knowing just what they intend to do with them. It's no wonder they were so good together. Both professional criminals in their own ways. I see the kill before me, I step out of the shadows and kick him to the ground from behind. He sees my face.
"NO! You're dead man... I.. I killed you!"
"I'm back. Now it's time to return the favor.."
When it is all over, I go home and sit on my bloodstained couch, turn on the television, and dream of my next hunt.
This was actually a request on my blog at, I hadn't checked it in a while so I figured I would, and there it is, "inbox(1)". So, there you go jimmfan2. This is also my first vampire story I have posted. I feel vampires have become too, human. That they need to be returned back to their primal state. True creatures of darkness and death. But that's just me. If you agree feel free to email me, you can find my address on my full profile, or comment below.
That's it for now Drones. Later
-the virus
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Aslin (Darkbringer Chronicles)
I don't know what has happened to me. After I escaped that hole I ran blindly through the forest until I came to a clearing surrounding a clear lake. I looked at my reflection in the water. My face barely recognizable because of the changes. My skin now black as the demons heart, and my eyes as red as the fire that burns withing me. My face is the least changed, the last proof that I had ever been human. My bones grew out through my skin, causing sever bleeding and pain, but I couldn't die. I can't die. My hands becoming clawed, and my palms padded. My legs grew stronger, with almost no change at all aside from my feet. The guards of my "prison" decided it would be funny to cut my feet off at the ankles. They grew back. They were smaller than before, and small, stalagtite-like bones grew out of my now padded soles. This made me faster, and aided in my escape. The final change, at least I hope, was what made my escape possible though. Wings tore through the flesh of my back, exposing my spine and tissue for a moment before my now demonic blood healed me. It was like instict, I took to flight, easily breaking the chains that bound my legs to the stone floor of the pit. I killed the guards, ripping out their throats with my fanged jaws. Only now do I truly realize what I've become. I am a monster, a half breed of The Demon and The Gods. I am their creation, and it is by my blade they will all pay. I am Aslin, and I will have my revenge.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Failure (Darkbringer Chronicles)
It has been three weeks since my failure in battle. For three weeks I have been in this hole. Laughed at and pissed on by the creatures that now rule this and the neighboring kingdoms. The remaining humans have formed small colonies in the forests, hiding from the demons. They will not try to save me, this is my punishment for my failure to my people. To rot in this damned hole, kept alive by their magic. Unable to starve, unable to die. They have named me, as if I were their pet. I suppose I am. They call me "Aslin", demon dog. That is a true insult, compared to the atrocities they call dogs. Two nights ago I began to notice a change in my body. My skin turning a dark shade of black, as if burned over a fire, my left hand became clawed. I fear I am becoming one of them. If this is further torture than they have gone to far, or is this just a side effect of the magic they use to keep me alive? Either way, death is preferred. I just need to wait, to plan, I must escape.
So, anybody dislike where they think I'm going with this? You don't know. Maybe you do. I plan on posting a post from the Darkbringer's point of view later today. Check back later Drones.
-The Virus
So, anybody dislike where they think I'm going with this? You don't know. Maybe you do. I plan on posting a post from the Darkbringer's point of view later today. Check back later Drones.
-The Virus
Friday, July 9, 2010
Rebellion (Darkbringer Chronicles)
That demons army destroyed our once great Kingdom. Polluted our waters and animals with their disease, deforming all that eat the meat or drink the water. But we survived. I survived. I watched one of that devils children devour my father and brother as my mother and I ran like the cowards we were. We know not their weakness. They are all different, some strong and slow, others small and speedy. Yet there are others that they keep on chains, and make wear collars. I've seen what happens when they remove those collars and let loose those abominations, and I pray I never have to see it again. My father was the Lord of the land, my brother his heir. I am the last man of royal blood, therefore I must take control of what is left. I must lead my people back to their homes. This small camp, housing less than a hundred heads, is all that is left. With no trained warriors, we have no one to train us in the art of sword fighting. We are forced to teach ourselves, resulting in many injuries and accidental deaths. This is what we are reduced to. My mother went insane the first night. She chose to die rather than live like this, drowning herself in our poisoned waters. I must lead these people on my own now, and I will. We will take back our Kingdom, but first I will send a party to alert other colonies. To beg on their knees for help, like the homeless commoners my mother would shoo away at the market. This is what we are forced to do. This is how my people must live. I will not tolerate weakness in our situation though, and any who oppose me will be punished by my own hand. If these people wish to survive, they will follow. I am Lord now, and I am in control.
The Gladiator
Shame, Shame. For you are to blame.
We're sick of playing your twisted games.
Games of darkness, games of death.
You make us play till we breathe our last breath.
You make us perform, you make us fight.
You make sure we never see the light.
The light that for so long we have been denied.
The light that you knew you could never hide.
Now we're coming for you, and we're coming fast.
You knew that your rule would never last.
Now my army fights yours, hear their swords ring.
And soon from the end of a noose you will swing.
You're on your knees, begging for forgiveness.
You enslaved us and expect us to forgive this?
Now my friend, it is your turn to play.
To fight for your life with lions all day.
Now we rule this city, you can't deny.
That once we begin, you would much rather die.
This is an edited version. I might post another Darkbringer story today, so be sure to check later.
Later Drones.
-The Virus
We're sick of playing your twisted games.
Games of darkness, games of death.
You make us play till we breathe our last breath.
You make us perform, you make us fight.
You make sure we never see the light.
The light that for so long we have been denied.
The light that you knew you could never hide.
Now we're coming for you, and we're coming fast.
You knew that your rule would never last.
Now my army fights yours, hear their swords ring.
And soon from the end of a noose you will swing.
You're on your knees, begging for forgiveness.
You enslaved us and expect us to forgive this?
Now my friend, it is your turn to play.
To fight for your life with lions all day.
Now we rule this city, you can't deny.
That once we begin, you would much rather die.
This is an edited version. I might post another Darkbringer story today, so be sure to check later.
Later Drones.
-The Virus
Black sky. Blood moon. A scream echoes from somewhere in the distance. This is my town, plenty different from yours. Blazing sunlight. Skyscrapers. Music being played in a park. No, nothing like that. There you have order, laws, police. There your children can play in the streets without being taken by some unseen stranger. Yes, what a perfect little world. What a scene, something right out of a dream. But not in my town. Here we have no laws, no order, no police. Here your children would be killed and raped by the very people you live with. Here, chaos and destruction prevail. Here, crime goes without punishment. Here people die slowly as they burn for entertainment. Here people are tortured for fun. Here is where true devils carry out their sick twisted deeds. And even sadder, we are the people that your town needs. For we are the reason your laws were created. We whose sick minds would not be sedated. We who have been exiled from your world, wish only to return. To give you something to fear at night. To draw from your fear our own delight. We who have slaughtered and killed your friends, have now returned.
So let's begin...
This is one of my pieces that I posted to, so as far as I've been told, it's got an automatic copyright on it. Or something like that.
Later Drones.
-The Virus
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Killed in the name of the Gods (Darkbringer pt.4)
I watch the bodies being lowered into the sacrificial pit. Killed "in the names of the Gods", or so the cities government would like them to believe. The bodies being lowered were not killed in the name of any God, they were my children. Killed to send me a message, that my kind will not be tolerated in this town. My daughters, my sons. They spare the mothers, to make them watch as our children are executed and sacrificed. The human species views us as monsters, yet they kill without real reason. They kill because of how we look. They slaughter and cage us because they are afraid. I killed the Ryders because of what they did. I helped these people, and this is how they thank me? They view me and my children as demons, abominations. Yet we wish only to live as they do. Until now, this pathetic race called humanity had no reason to fear, but now they have killed a family of mine. A daughter, bearing another if my children. And a son, destined to be a general in my army. I have thousands of children, they think the murder of two and an unborn is going to protect them? My anger fuels me, I return to our colony, and tell my generals to prepare the warhorses. These beasts are results of a generation of twisted bestial evolution. We march on the Kingdom of Efferna at sunset, I must prepare to lead my army to battle.
I have a question to go along with this, are the lives of one family really worth the death of thousands? Think about it.
-The Virus
I have a question to go along with this, are the lives of one family really worth the death of thousands? Think about it.
-The Virus
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
OK, sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. Been kind of distracted, thinking a lot, not about a lot though. One subject in particular, but that's for another time, another page in the book. Anyway, trying to think where I want The Darkbringer to go from here. Will he kill the girl, or will he use her to start an army? What to do... hm. Well, I'm open for ideas. post anonymously or with a profile if you have any preference to where the story goes.
Later Drones.
Later Drones.
Friday, July 2, 2010
The End? (Darkbringer pt.3)
The taste of victory, the taste of blood, lingers in my mouth. The last Ryder Lord lies dead at my feet, a pool of blood now covers the floor, and the survivors of my first assault look upon the scene in horror. Their leader is dead, their identities revealed to the world. "Your families are in danger, I suggest you go to them" I advise the crowd around me. Whether it was my voice or the fact that I was correct that did it, they all panicked and ran to their spacey looking vehicles. All but one. Several things struck me about this particular Ryder. The first was, it was a girl. The second, she was right handed. She would have to be, on account that she has no left arm. The fact that she was even here was a mystery, in their rampages the Ryders only took the eldest male child from families, and only if they were left handed did they live. As I approach her she slowly begins to smile, a wicked toothy grin. Then I see why she was kept. Her right hand is deformed beyond human recognition, but I knew what she was instantly. She bows before me and speaks. "Father, you have returned."
Ok, so this is going to be more than three parts. And forgive me if I branch off of this in my other stories, but I'm having fun with this. Most of the time I have a plan in the way my stories turn out, but I'm really just making this up as I go along.
Second post for today Drones, I have to force myself to wait until tomorrow for another. Thanks for reading.
Ok, so this is going to be more than three parts. And forgive me if I branch off of this in my other stories, but I'm having fun with this. Most of the time I have a plan in the way my stories turn out, but I'm really just making this up as I go along.
Second post for today Drones, I have to force myself to wait until tomorrow for another. Thanks for reading.
Elimination (Darkbringer pt.2)
It has been three weeks since my last kill, and the bloodlust is starting to take over again. I have abandoned my human form in an attempt to increase my power, as well as the terror in my victims faces. They call me many things now, I am no longer just The Darkbringer. Vampire, demon, the delusional call me an angel. Angel of death maybe, angel of chaos, but of nothing else. The fools have no idea who I am, or what I really am, but that doesn't matter now. I need to focus on the kill before me. I need to execute my assault perfectly. With no gun, I need not worry about how many shots I have, I just have to worry about the screams. The key to this is silent elimination, making sure that their screams are heard by none. The first two will be easy. Unarmed, appearing to be as stupid as they look, judging by their actions over the last hour. It is still daytime, I have a while until my attack. I have time to plan, and I have time to "play". I have a Ryder in custody in my cave. He is the reason that I am here today. The poor fool attempted to infiltrate my home, it didn't quite work out the way he planned. I must go back to further interrogate him. I have cursed his corpse to live, and until I say otherwise that's exactly what he will do. But his existence is not without pain, the longer he stays in this world the more his body deteriorates. It is a slow and painful process, but it won't last much longer..
That's part two of three, maybe more.. But I would like to make a note that as of now I cannot read your comments. If your comment is an idea for a story or a thought of what I could add onto this, or another, series, please email me at
That's all Drones. Later.
That's part two of three, maybe more.. But I would like to make a note that as of now I cannot read your comments. If your comment is an idea for a story or a thought of what I could add onto this, or another, series, please email me at
That's all Drones. Later.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Darkbringer (pt.1)
A pulse shot through the air, distorting the world around it. I duck behind the table I flipped over for cover just as it flies over my head and melts a hole in the wall behind me. I wait until I hear the Ryder start to "reload". I pop out from behind my cover as he frantically tries to shove another battery pack into his new age pistol. I pull out my old revolver and shoot his kneecaps, 4 shots left. He drops the battery pack and falls to the floor. He starts crawling towards it, I start to laugh. I stand there, waiting for him to get the pack and start shooting again. This takes him about 5 minutes. He gets the pack, packs it in to his gun, and shakily raises his hand to take aim. He shoots me twice. 1 pulse in the head, and 1 in the chest. As I fall to the ground I begin to plan out my next few moves. The foolish Ryder starts crawling towards the door, he looks back, only to see my body fading into the shadows. Knowing what I am, he readies his gun. The poor fool, it failed to kill me once, what makes him think it will do anything a second time. I walk out of the darkness behind him and shoot him in the right shoulder, forgetting that all Ryders are left handed, 3 shots left. For theatrical effect, I appear out of a tornado of black in the center of the abandoned school cafeteria. I laugh as the Ryder wastes his battery trying to put me down. He starts to cry when I show him my true form, the form of the Darkbringer. I don't waste any more bullets on the worm that stands before me. Opening my fanged jaws, I go straight for the heart.
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